Thursday, March 7, 2013

Stand up, speak out, stay safe

Friends, it is you who have to stand up and speak out in these dire situations. 

Jamat-Shibir is operating hands in hands with Hizbut Tahrir to turn you and your friends into heartless zombies.

Last year a guy called Nafees was caught by FBI while trying to blast a bank in NY. He was an NSU student.

Last month a group of students murdered a guy in cold blood, 5 of them were captured a few days back. All of them are students of NSU. Only a few got caught, but we don't know how many are roaming free with murder in their brainwashed mind.

Islam is a religion of peace, and we don't want our campuses to be littered by these zombiefied killing machines under the excuse of Islam. Please report any incident that sparked doubt or apprehension in your mind that a jamat-Shibir-Hizbut plot was hatching in your campus.

You will remain anonymous, and considerably safe in this reporting system. We will summarize the reports and pursue the journalists and law-enforcing agencies to take action. Please stand up before it's too late, before the reputation of our universities gets tainted.